God’s Awesome Truth

God’s Awesome Truth

(an excerpt from Matthew Kelly’s book “Rediscover Jesus”) There are so many lies in circulation about Christians and Christianity. Most are the result of ignorance. Some are the result of intentional misinformation. A handful are a malicious personal attack upon Jesus in an attempt to discredit the Christian faith. Some…

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The Cross

The Cross

Luisa Piccarreta speaks of the Cross at Jesus’ request (written on December 2, 1899)… The Cross, suffered by You, freed me from the slavery of the devil, and espoused me to the Divinity with an indissoluble bond. The Cross is fecund and gives birth to Grace in me. The Cross is Light,…

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The Chaste Life

The Chaste Life

It breaks my heart to see this world prioritize freedom of expression over the welfare and needs of children. I feel like I’m part of an extremely selfish generation; our sense of entitlement is out of control… I should know… I was addicted to pornography and masturbation for over ten…

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