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- “May Your grace transform us into tireless cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel.”
- “…only with Jesus in your hearts will you come to know the true goal of your life and long for eternal salvation.”
- A Church of disciples, formed in the image of Mary, the first disciple
- “Cor ad cor loquitur”
- “…as long as human groups do not make sacrifices for peace, they will continue to settle their difficulties by war.”
Category: Spiritual Lights
“…only with Jesus in your hearts will you come to know the true goal of your life and long for eternal salvation.”

From “Meditations on Death: Preparing for Eternity” by Thomas à Kempis: Reflect, too, upon the humanity of Christ, our Savior. For our sake, He descended from His native realm of unapproachable light to assume the wretchedness of our mortal condition, to become one poor, persecuted, and despised, a “Man of…