
Hello, my name is Davy Cheng. I’m a cradle Catholic and had a strong devotion to Our Lady of Fátima as a child. However, I really lost my way growing up. I wanted to serve God, but was overly attached to the world and to popular culture. Long story short, I did many questionable and shameful things for the sake of career, art, and my disordered passions. I take full responsibility for my mistakes, including fights with family, an addiction to pornography, and receiving Holy Communion in a state of mortal sin.

It was during a time of severe illness (where I thought I was going to die) that God brought His saving light into my darkness. The journey of suffering was long and difficult, but absolutely necessary for my conversion (if you’re interested in the details, please watch the following video). I’m eternally grateful for the tremendous healing, mercy, and grace which purified me, granting me a second chance.

These days, I’m hoping to reach out to others, however I can, on behalf of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. It’s never too late to start over. Life is worth living because God is love. That’s the most important message I could ever share. Place your faith and hope in the One Who loves us most, from the tenderest moment of conception, into the promises of eternity. Thank you for visiting, and may God’s peace be with you always.

E-Mail: consecratedhearts@gmail.com

Free PDF E-Book: Picture Blessings Vol. 01 – In His Hands

Free Memes: Consecrated Hearts on Flickr

Art Store: For Fine Art Prints, Framed Pictures, Greeting Cards, etc.

Licensing: My Artwork on Pixels.com

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