“Suffering completed the work of divine grace in my soul”

(from private revelation given to Sister Mildred Mary Ephrem Neuzil of the Contemplative Sisters of the Indwelling Trinity)

On October 7, 1957:

My beloved daughter, what I am about to tell you concerns in a particular way my children in America.  Unless they do penance by mortification and self-denial and thus reform their lives, God will visit them with punishments hitherto unknown to them.

My child, there will be peace, as has been promised, but not until my children are purified and cleansed from defilement, and clothed thus with the white garment of grace, are made ready to receive this peace, so long promised and so long held back because of the sins of men.

My dear children, either you will do as I desire and reform your lives, or God Himself will need to cleanse you in the fires of untold punishment.  You must be prepared to receive His great gift of peace.  If you will not prepare yourselves, God will Himself be forced to do so in His justice and mercy.

Making the rosary a family prayer is very pleasing to me.  I ask that all families strive to do so.  But be careful to say it with great devotion, meditating on each mystery and striving to imitate in your daily lives the virtues depicted therein.  Live the mysteries of the rosary as I lived them, and it will become a chain binding you to me forever.  They who are found in the circle of my rosary will never be lost.  I myself will lead them at death to the throne of my Son, to be eternally united to Him.

Write these words upon your hearts, my dear children, because of the compassion I have for you in my Immaculate Heart.  Oh, if you knew the punishments I am holding back from you by my pleading and intercession on your behalf!

Will you do as I wish at last, my children?

Our Lady, Queen of Peace

On February 11, 1958:

My Immaculate Heart will win in the end, and the Spirit of Christ will dwell in the hearts of men.  Those in whom this Spirit is not found will be condemned to eternal hell-fire.

(later, towards the evening)

I am the Mother of the sacred humanity, and it is my special work as co-redemptrix of the human race to help souls reach the sanctity of the Father in eternal union by showing them how to put on Christ, to imbibe His Spirit, and thus become one with Him.

On February 12, 1958:

My child, nothing is accomplished without pain.  Prepare to suffer much.  You see the sword in the Heart of your Mother.  Suffering completed the work of divine grace in my soul.  He who refuses to suffer will never abide in the Spirit of Christ, will never be formed into His image.

My sweet child, the Father will never recognize a soul as His own unless He sees in it the likeness of His beloved Son.  Souls must attain to the perfection of the Father through the Spirit of the Son.

Beloved daughter, you wonder at the sword and the deep wound it has made in my Heart.  It is the sword of grief plunged therein by my children who refuse to let me teach them the true way.  There is only one true way to the Father, my child, only one way to eternal union.  It is the way of the divine humanity.  It is through my Son, the Only-begotten of the Father, that souls attain perfect union with the Divinity, as perfect as human nature is capable of, aided by divine grace.

But my children will not heed; they will not listen.  Every other way they will take, but not this one.

I ask greater sacrifices of the most favored and beloved of my children.  I ask in the Name and for the love of my Son, Who so desires this.

If I ask for reform of life, it is first from the chosen that I look for it.  They must by the example of a sacrificial life lead the way for souls to union with Christ, honoring the Father by putting on His Spirit and His likeness in all things.

O my small one, beloved of my Son’s Heart, prepare yourself by prayer, penance, and suffering for what is to come.

Your Mother has many more things to tell you, but this is enough for now.  Take your rest now.  I wish it.  Good night, sweet child.


A child of Jesus and Mary.

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