The Opportunity for Reparation

Seeing Jesus with the crown of thorns on His head…
He doesn’t take it off
In His life, He never said, “Begone, suffering!”
But rather, “Begone, Satan!”
So when we choose the infernal father of lies and a life of pleasure and sin,
Jesus reveals the Father of Mercy and a life of simplicity and obedience unto death
We have the opportunity for reparation…
To join Him, as apostles who would share in His pain
He, Whose sandals I am not fit to touch…
Will I wipe the spit off His holy face?

Veronica wipes the face of Jesus

“Oh, my divine Spouse, in what a state Thou art! Thy poor shoulders—they cannot go on bearing such a weight! Ah! if I am ready to fall at only the sight of it, what must it be to Thee, Who art so tender and delicate! Who could ever imagine the state Thou art in, O my Jesus? Eternal Father, is that indeed Thy Son? Ungrateful, ungrateful sinners, acknowledge such love! I recommend them to Thee, my divine Spouse. Oh, let them reap the merit of the sufferings that Thou art this moment enduring for them, and for me who am the cause of all the evil that is being done in the world! O God, in what days I have to live!—alas, alas!—Thy honour is no longer desired: no one thinks of Thy glory: none are anxious to serve and love Thee! I beseech Thee, O Lord, change the nature of souls a little, and give the spirit of uprightness and fervour. I recommend to Thy mercy the holy Church, and the city of Florence, which is Thy Mother Mary’s daughter; also all our benefactors, all Religious, and all my beloved sisters here.” –St. Catherine de’ Ricci




A child of Jesus and Mary.

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