“Accomplish in me Thy Will, oh Lord.”

“Begin afresh every day as though it were the very first. You are forever at the beginning. Don’t be afraid, for I am with you, and I know. Is there anything I don’t know? All the same, I like you to tell Me where you have failed and to explain yourself to Me. It brings out your confidence in Me. And what else would you speak to Me about if not your poverty? It’s the case of the beggar at the rich man’s door. If only you had seen the joy of those I healed on the roads of Judea. They left Me singing praises to God. Sing every day in your heart and make Me known to others through joy. You want to make Me known, don’t you? Satan uses others to act for him. Why not I? And since I live in you, don’t you see how simple it would be to express Myself through you? Your life is Mine.” -Jesus, in private revelation given to Gabrielle Bossis, on July 10, 1942

“If the thought of duty inspires you, if you have in view the good of souls and the glory of God, if you sincerely seek the Will of your Father Who is in Heaven, then all that you do takes on a supernatural value. ‘If the root is holy,’ says the apostle, ‘so are the branches.’ (Romans 11:16) The duties of your position, your pious exercises, your good works, your family relations, your sorrows, your joys, your trials, your sufferings, your loneliness, your forced inactivity—all, in a word, without exception, becomes holy and agreeable to God by the purity of intention…. Simplicity makes of our life one continual homage to God; it supernaturalizes and sanctifies our works, words, and thoughts, our most secret desires, and the slightest movements of our heart.” -Bishop Emmanuel de Gibergues (excerpted from his book “Strength in Simplicity”)

beautiful sunset sky

“Sacred Heart of Jesus, teach me the perfect forgetfulness of myself: teach me what I must do to attain to the purity of Thy love, of which Thou hast given me the desire. I feel within me a great desire of pleasing Thee, and a great impatience to carry out this desire in practice. But what can I do without a clear light and a most powerful help? And this I can only look for from Thee. Accomplish in me Thy Will, oh Lord. I oppose it, I know well. Yet it seems to me that I wish not to oppose it. It must be Thy work to do all, Divine Heart of my Jesus. Thou alone wilt have the glory of my sanctification if I become a Saint. This appears to me clearer than the day. It is for this alone that I wish to desire perfection. Amen.” –Father John Croiset, S.J.


A child of Jesus and Mary.

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