Allow me to praise you, O Virgin Most Holy.
Allow me to praise you with my commitment and personal sacrifice.
Allow me to live, work, suffer, be consumed and die for you, only for you.
Allow me to bring the whole world to you.
Allow me to contribute to an ever-greater exaltation of you, to the greatest possible exaltation of you.
Allow me to render such glory unto you as no one has ever rendered unto you so far.
Allow others to pass me in zeal for your exaltation, and grant that I may surpass them, so that in noble emulation, your glory may grow deeper and deeper, faster and faster, more and more intensely, as the One wishes Who raised you up so ineffably above all beings.
In you alone was God worshiped incomparably more than in all His saints.
For you God created the world. For you God called even me into existence.
Where does this fortune of mine come from?
I pray you, grant that I may praise you, O Most Holy Virgin!
(prayer source: