(from the Archdiocese of New Orleans)
God of Goodness, You know that the violence in our community is out of control. It is taking our helpless and innocent ones, it is taking our children. And, we confess that beyond the violence in our streets, is the violence in our own hearts. We contribute to a culture of violence whenever we give in to hatred, fear, indifference, and our own self-satisfaction.
It seems that we are growing numb to the suffering, the loss, the indignity done to our sisters and brothers and to our Earth. But in our hearts, and in the heart of the community, help us to value life and beauty over instant satisfaction, and to value sharing over greed. Empower us to acknowledge and affirm our children, our spouses, our neighbors, and seek respectful solutions to our conflicts. Create through us a world where it will be easier to be good.
Your Spirit, given to us, is not timid. Therefore, each of us can do something, person by person, family by family, community by community, to realize that we are one—one body, one people, one earth. By Your design, we thrive or we perish together.
Holy One, give us the grace of hope. Give us the dedication to goodness and truth as we seek to restore our community to wholeness and life. Enable us in this way, to take back our city from the violence and crippling fear we find in our midst.
Trusting that Your desire for us is peace, not disaster, we pray this in Your Name. Amen.