Heavenly Father, in every age, You have been our refuge. Yet again and still, we stand before You asking for Your protection on Your holy Church.
For the victims of abuse and their families, pour out Your healing and Your peace.
For the Bishops of this country, continue to inspire their decisions and guide them with Your Spirit. For the thousands of good and faithful priests, who have followed Your call to serve You and Your people in holiness, sustain them by Your grace.
For the faithful who are angry, confused, and searching for answers, embrace them with Your love, restore their trust, console them with Your clear Gospel message, and renew them with Your sacraments.
We place our Church in Your hands, for without You we can do nothing. May Jesus, our High Priest and True Compass, continue to lead her in every thought and action—to be an instrument of justice, a source of consolation, a sacrament of unity, and a manifestation of Your faithful covenant.
Grant this through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord, Who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.