Saint Joseph, in private revelation given to Edson Glauber, on March 5, 1998:
My heart felt great peace and joy to have Jesus and Mary with me living in the same family. Our Three Hearts loved each other. They lived a Trinitarian love, but it was a love united in a single act of one offering to the Father. Our hearts fused in the purest love, becoming one heart, lived in three people who truly loved each other.
But see, my son, how much my heart was afflicted and suffered to see my Son Jesus, so small, [already run from] the danger of death because of Herod, who, already possessed by the evil spirit, ordered to kill all the innocent babies. My heart went through great tribulations and suffering due to this great danger that my Son Jesus suffered, but the Heavenly Father did not abandon us during that time because He sent His angel messenger who told me what to do and how to proceed in those moments of difficulty and of suffering (cf. Matthew 2:12).
For this reason, my son, tell all sinners not to despair in the great dangers of life and the dangers that can cause the loss of their own soul. I promise to all those who will trust in this heart of mine, pure and chaste, honoring it devoutly, the grace to be consoled by me in their most greatest afflictions of soul and in the danger of being condemned, when, by disgrace, [they] would lose the sanctifying grace due to their grave sins. To these sinners who will appeal to me, I promise the graces of my heart for a firm intention of reparation, repentance, and a sincere contrition of their sins.
Now I say to all sinners: do not be afraid of the devil and do not despair because of your crimes, but come and throw yourselves in my arms and press on to my heart so that you may receive all the graces for your eternal salvation. Now I grant my blessing to the entire world: in the Name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From “St. Joseph – His Life, His Virtues, His Privileges, His Power” by Archdeacon Kinane:
With such shining lights before his eyes, with such models as Jesus and Mary ever in his presence, no wonder that the Life of St. Joseph was “hidden with Christ in God” (Colossians 3:3); no wonder that few facts and fewer virtues of our Saint are recorded by the Evangelists; nor are we then to be surprised that, after the losing and finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple by His “parents,” a single word is not said in the Gospels on the life and death of our holy Patriarch.
With the examples of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph before our eyes, let us love to be hidden and unknown; let us do all our acts solely and purely for the greater glory of God, to please God alone; let us shun the esteem and praise of the world; let us keep before our mind the sublime doctrine which our Divine Savior preached and practiced, viz.: “Take heed,” said our Blessed Redeemer, “that you do not your justice before men to be seen by them…. when thou dost an alms-deed, sound not a trumpet before… let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doth…. and thy Father Who seeth in secret will repay thee…. when thou shalt pray, enter into thy chamber, and having shut the door, pray to thy Father in secret, and thy Father Who seeth in secret will repay thee” (Matthew 6:1-6).
O most loving Jesus! grant us the grace to love to be hidden and unknown, and to do all our actions purely to please Thee. O blessed Virgin and St. Joseph, obtain for us the grace to live and die for Jesus’ sake.
An Act of Consecration to St. Joseph
O glorious Patriarch and Patron of the Catholic Church! O Virgin Spouse of the Virgin Mother of God. O Guardian and foster-father of the Word Incarnate! In the presence of Jesus and Mary, I choose thee this day to be my guardian, my patron, and my protector.
O thou, whom God has made the head of the Holy Family, accept me, I beseech thee, though utterly unworthy, to be a poor little servant in thy “Holy House.” Present me to thy Immaculate Spouse; ask her also to adopt me as her child. With her, pray that I may constantly think of Jesus, and serve Him faithfully to the end of my life.
O my tender and holy Father, I hereby consecrate myself to thee. O thou head of the Holy Family on earth, in faithful imitation of Jesus and Mary, I place myself and all my concerns under thy care and protection. To thee, after Jesus and Mary, I consecrate my body and soul, with all their senses and faculties, my spiritual progress, my home, and all my affairs and undertakings. Forsake me not, but adopt me as a servant and child of the Holy Family. Watch over me at all times, but especially at the last awful hour of my life. Then visit, console, and strengthen me with the presence of Jesus and Mary; that with them and thee, I may praise, and enjoy the Adorable Trinity in paradise for all eternity. Amen.