Before Divine Mercy Sunday, I had a dream where I was receiving Holy Communion. The priest put the Sacred Host in my mouth, but it was a giant Host which I needed to consume slowly and carefully, because I was afraid that particles of our Lord would accidentally fall to the floor. You can imagine, this was a full meal in itself.
For me this dream symbolized the greatness of what we’re receiving in the Blessed Sacrament. Because Jesus is inseparable from the Father and the Holy Spirit, our Communion is connected with the entire Trinity… who can wrap their head around that? As consecrated souls, we’re familiar with the saying “to Jesus, through Mary,” but how about “to the Trinity, through Jesus”? Isn’t that what’s happening by accepting Jesus… Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity?
All this makes me want to receive in deeper reverence, as well as faith, that God can transform me, as He transforms the Bread and Wine into His Real Presence. The Eucharist is our direct connection with Heaven on earth… as Dr. Scott Hahn says, we don’t have to die to experience Heaven. The eternal feast of the Lamb is already happening during every Mass, and will continue into eternity.
Have you ever posted pictures of food on social media? I know I have… maybe it’s because it’s the type of food that never truly satisfies—we want to hold onto the memory of being full and having our taste buds stimulated. But why do we idolize this food that makes us crazy with hunger and obsession? It’s illogical to worship something that doesn’t fulfill you, something that’s imperfect. Only God is worthy of that type of adoration. Justly and rightly, we have Eucharistic Adoration.
I was able to make a Holy Hour yesterday, and was moved by a father with his three daughters. It was beautiful because that’s the greatest gift you could give to your family… Jesus Himself. And I’m sure the father was entrusting his children to the Lord, through his prayer and good example.
In this time of mercy, we consecrate ourselves and those whom God has given us. When we experience our Lord in His perfect glory, we can rejoice with all the angels and saints for the great graces we’ve been given. Blessed are those who recognize Him now, who have not “seen” but believe (John 20:29).