(Jesus, in private revelation given to Gabrielle Bossis, on December 24, 1939)
Do you know what the world was like before I came? There was God and there were men. Now God has become a man among men—one of you. What love! What potential oneness between you and Him! Do you really feel the difference? Then thank Me with all your heart and all your mind and all your soul, and be Mine more than ever.
(from private revelation given to Maria Valtorta, on February 7, 1944)
The girl nestles up to His knees and takes the liberty of resting her head in His lap. Jesus caresses her curls. The two boys, who had gone off on a run, come back—one with a dove clasped to his chest and the other dragging along by the ear a little lamb a few days old that is bleating desperately. They show Jesus their treasures.
Jesus shows interest, but, taking pity on the state of the two poor animals, has the dove handed to Him and, after having admired it, lets it fly off to its nest; and He lifts the little lamb onto the seat, caressing it and keeping it safe until the children’s mother returns and takes it back to its spot. The girl, who has nothing else, bends down and gathers a bouquet of flowers and gives it to Jesus.
The Master is a teacher with these children, too, and, continuing to hold the youngest in His arms, speaks to the older ones about the flowers: “So beautiful, made by the Heavenly Father, from the biggest to the smallest, the flowers, which, in the eyes of God, are as beautiful as children when they are good. And to be good it is necessary to be like flowers, which do no harm to anyone, but, rather, provide fragrance and joy for all and always do the Will of the Lord in sprouting where He wills, in blossoming when He wills, and in letting themselves be picked if He so pleases.”
He speaks of the doves: “So faithful to their nests and so clean that they never perch on ugly things, always remembering their homes and loved by God because they are faithful and pure. The children of God must also be like this: like little turtledoves that love the house of the Lord and make their nests of love in it and that, to be worthy of it, are able to keep themselves pure.”
He speaks of the little lambs: “So meek, so patient, so resigned, that provide wool and milk and meat and let themselves be immolated for our good, giving us such a great example of love and gentleness. The little lambs are loved so much by God that He will call His Son the ‘Lamb.’ The good Lord loves those who are able to keep their souls like lambs until death as His dearest children.”
While Jesus speaks, other children come into the enclosure and form a crowd. And not only children, but there are also adults who listen. There are other mothers, who present the smallest ones and some who are suffering to Jesus so that He will caress them and take them onto His lap for a moment. The older ones approach on their own.
Jesus is surrounded by a brood of children. They are in front of Him, at His sides, on His shoulders, and between His legs. He cannot move. But He is laughing in the midst of that unruly and also rather wrangling hedge. They would all like the first place, and the little masters of the house do not intend to give it up, thereby providing Jesus with the occasion to be a teacher once more: “One must not be selfish even in what is good. I know that you love Me and am glad. I, too, love you, but I will love you more if you now let the others come to Me. A little for each one. Like good brothers and sisters. You are all brothers and sisters and equal in the eyes of God and in My eyes. Indeed, those who are obedient and loving towards their companions are the ones most loved by Me and by God.”
The swarm, to show that… it is obedient and loving, withdraws at once. They are all good! Jesus laughs. But the innocent swarm then returns….